On March 29, 2021, RMA hosted a presentation and Q&A session with senior representatives from Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP). This session covered how the ministry is working to fulfill the vision of a balanced and results-based approach to environmental stewardship for air, land, water, and biodiversity while still enabling sustainable development of natural resources. There are three integrated pillars of the system transformation:
- Regulatory Transformation Program: a “one window” regulatory process that is integrated, outcomes-based, and risk-managed.
- Sub-Regional and Local Planning: site-based planning to balance the diverse goals of Alberta’s land, air, water, and biodiversity.
- Integrated Crown Land Management: modernized legislation to balance the shared use of Crown land and parks for economic, social, and environmental purposes.
The regulatory transformation will be implemented in stages, with the modernization of sand, gravel, and Water Act approvals being introduced in summer 2021. The regulatory transformation will be fully implemented by 2023.
AEP has shared materials from the presentation for further review:
- AEP Regulatory System Transformation PowerPoint
- Environment and Parks Summer 2020 Backlog Pilot
- Regulatory Transformation Program Snapshot
Questions or comments on the material or the regulatory system process can be emailed to AEP.OST@gov.ab.ca.
Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy