Much has been written and discussed about the financial condition of local government throughout Canada and the United States. For the most part the discussion focuses on how and why local municipalities are debit ridden
Local governments in the Province of Alberta have an enviable record of working together to address service delivery needs within their region. Historically they have recognized that by combining forces in a cooperative effort they
The funding of law enforcement in Alberta has been a discussion topic for many years with a variety of differing opinions on appropriate funding levels, who should pay, and fair allocation of cost. The Solicitor
Competition for gravel in Alberta is high because of the significance of its use in the construction and maintenance of both public and private sector infrastructure. The cooperative approaches recommended enable the public, government, and
Citizen engagement serves an important role for gathering feedback and advising residents of municipal initiatives and decisions. Social media has challenged traditional engagement practices and, to prepare municipalities for enhanced citizen engagement, RMA (as AAMDC)
The RMA report, Asset Management for Municipalities in Alberta: Navigating the Asset Management Journey is a comprehensive high-level report for RMA members and all municipalities in Alberta. Asset management is not a one-time action or
Renewable solar and wind energy developments are increasing in various areas of Alberta. The regulatory process for renewable energy developments involves numerous agencies and requirements.