For more than 100 years, we’ve made it our mission to ensure the interests of rural Alberta municipalities are effectively represented. Over time, we’ve evolved with the changing needs of our Members and Associate Members, within Alberta and beyond, to remain relevant and valued to those we serve.
As we continue to grow, we recognize the importance of having an identity that resonates with our members and partners, and unifies all divisions of our organization.
Our renewed brand makes it easier for people to comprehend who we are and what we represent. It also gives us greater flexibility to market ourselves to a wider audience, to grow our influence and expand our business, for the benefit of all members. Welcome to a new era of building strong, vibrant and resilient rural communities – welcome to the RMA.
Calling all elected officials – the Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) is offering an online service delivery course! Effective service delivery is the cornerstone of a thriving municipality. Understanding how to align community needs with
Engagement seeks information on how to enhance Alberta’s water management system to improve water availability. The Government of Alberta is seeking input on new policies, regulatory tools, and potential amendments to the Water Act to
Applications are now open for the Rural Transit Solutions Fund and the Active Transportation Fund. The Government of Canada’s (GOC) Canada Public Transit Fund (CPTF) is designed to support transit services in communities of all