Expiry Date:
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Member Background:
RMA Background:
The Minister’s Council on Municipal Sustainability (MCMS) provides a forum to proactively discuss important municipal concerns and develop common solutions to resolve provincial-municipal issues. Comprised of representation from Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing, AAMDC, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, City of Calgary and City of Edmonton, the MCMS released a draft report in March 2007.The Government of Alberta has responded to this report and has accepted, or supported in principle, the majority of the report’s recommendations. The Premier and Minister Danyluk have committed to consulting with municipalities on the key recommendations of the MCMS report. The AAMDC will work to ensure that this consultation process is effective.The report contains a number of recommendations that will have a positive impact on rural municipalities. If implemented, limited split mill rates and economic rent would significantly benefit rural municipalities. The AAMDC will continue to advocate the merits of both recommendations as a way to offset the significant costs of industrial growth within the province.As the work of the MCMS continues, the AAMDC will continue to represent the interests of rural and small municipalities.
Provincial Ministries:
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Internal Notes: