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RMA Background:
In 2011, the Solicitor General released the Law Enforcement Framework outlining the strategic directions for the review of service delivery and governance. The funding model was recommended to change, but it did not specify the changes that were required. Under the current provincial/municipal funding model, rural municipalities are not required to pay for RCMP service, while any urban with a population over 5,000 is required to pay.The province proposed draft funding models to the association in 2010. However, none of these formulas were acceptable to the AAMDC and the government chose not to move further with them. As it was possible for this issue to return, the AAMDC began work to prepare for upcoming discussions. The AAMDC conducted a study of alternate police funding models to give input to the provincial government for formula development. Work has finished on the study, with the intended results being that it will influence provincial decision makers and give a rural perspective on police funding.
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