Resolution EM1-10S

Municipal Sustainability Strategy Working Group


January 2000

Expiry Date:

March 2014

Current Status:











Municipal Governance and Finances



Vote Results:




Operative Clause:


Member Background:


RMA Background:

Government Response:
None reported.


The Municipal Sustainability Strategy Working Group began meeting in early 2010. This working group consisted of representatives from Alberta Municipal Affairs, AAMDC, AUMA, Alberta Summer Villages Association, LGAA and ARMAA. 

The four questions for the working group’s consideration were:

  • What constitutes a viable and sustainable municipality and how can it be measured?
  • What basic services should a municipality provide?
  • What capacity building tools are required?
  • What restructuring processes should be used? 

The working group and its associated sub-committee made significant progress in tackling the complex issue of municipal sustainability. Based on this progress, the working group’s final report was presented to the Minister of Municipal Affairs in June 2010.  Following review by Government, the proposed MSS was released for municipal consultation in late 2010. More than 60 submissions were received. In the summer of 2012, Municipal Affairs announced that the Government had adopted the MSS and that the MGA would be amended to reflect the changes required by the MSS. Initially, the government planned for these amendments for Fall 2012 but has now scheduled them for the Spring 2013 session.

Alberta Municipal Affairs has began using the MSS with a pilot community (Village of Cremona) that was considering dissolution. The AAMDC has representation on the viability review team which has been working with the Village to develop solutions for the future sustainability of the community. 

The AAMDC believes that the outcomes of the MSSWG will be positive, as they will provide a more comprehensive approach to municipal sustainability. The association continues to be an active contributor in this process, ensuring rural municipal interests are considered in the new process while respecting the needs of urban municipal interests.

Provincial Ministries:

None reported.

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

The first meeting of the Municipal Sustainability Strategy Working Group was held on January 8, 2010. This working group is comprised of representatives from Alberta Municipal Affairs, AAMDC, AUMA, Alberta Summer Villages Association, LGAA and ARMAA.  The four questions for the working group’s consideration are:
– What constitutes a viable and sustainable municipality and how can it be measured?
– What basic services should a municipality provide?
– What capacity building tools are required?
What restructuring processes should be used?

The working group and its associated sub-committee  made significant progress in tackling the complex issue of municipal sustainability. The working group’s final report was presented to the Minister of Municipal Affairs in June 2010.  It is anticipated that the outcomes of the MSSWG will be positive, as they will provide a more comprehensive approach to municipal sustainability. The AAMDC continues to be an active contributor in this process, ensuring rural municipal interests are considered in the new process while respecting the needs of urban municipal interests. 

The association will continue to update member municipalities as necessary.