Expiry Date:
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Member Background:
RMA Background:
The Model Process Pilot Project began in early 2009. The project tested the Model Process Reference Document (2004) in three member municipalities to ensure it was still applicable and relevant to municipal operations. This reference document assists municipalities in evaluating the suitability of sites for onsite septic systems during the subdivision and development application process. Based on the pilot project, the Model Process has been revised and released as 3 separate documents. All documents are available at In early March 2011, free training sessions were held across the province. More than half of AAMDC’s member municipalities were represented at these sessions. Based on demand, a subsequent session was held in July 2011, and a workshop aimed at elected officials and senior administration is being offered at the Fall 2011 Convention. All members are encouraged to review this newly improved resource.
Provincial Ministries:
Provincial Boards and Organizations:
Internal Notes:
The Model Process Pilot Project has been underway since early 2009. The project is testing the Model Process Reference Document (2004) in three member municipalities to ensure it is applicable and relevant to municipal operations. This reference document assists municipalities in evaluating the suitability of sites for onsite septic during the subdivision and development application process. The pilot project is nearing completion, and member municipalities can expect to receive an invitation to training sessions on the revised Model Process in late 2010 or early 2011.