+ RMA Rural Municipalities
of Alberta

Resolution 5-04S

Comprehensive Integrated Resource Management Plans

January 1, 2004
Expiry Date:
March 31, 2007
Active Status:
Vote Results:

WHEREAS Alberta is a province fortunate to have an abundance of natural resources;AND WHEREAS this natural resource base is a “treasure” and our ongoing stewardship is critical to its preservation, restoration, enhancement and use, for our continued economic and physical well-being;AND WHEREAS managing our natural resources is a complex task and competing needs for environmental protection must be weighed against competing uses of our resources;AND WHEREAS the province has, through its Integrated Resource Management Branch, within Alberta Environment, implemented a few Comprehensive Resource Management Plans in a few areas of the province;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties urge the Government of Alberta to continue with and enhance the development of Comprehensive Integrated Resource Management Plans by bringing together representation from the public and private sector, including government, agriculture, industry, business and environmental interests to develop Comprehensive Resource Management Plans in all regions of the province, to ensure careful and effective use of our natural resources and to preserve its use for future generations.

Member Background:

The provincial government has defined Integrated Resource Management”as a way of using and managing the environmental and natural resources to achieve sustainable development. Using an IRM approach means that environmental, social and economic issues are considered, while finding ways for all users to exist together with less conflict. How we manage or use one resource affects the management or use of other resources in the area. Managing each use or resource by itself is less effective than managing all of them in an integrated way.” Presently, the current provincial regional strategies underway are the Northern East Slopes Sustainable Resource and Environmental Management Strategy (NES Strategy) and the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy. Integrated Resource Management plans should be developed for all regions of the province.

RMA Background:

The AAMDC has no resolutions currently in effect with respect to this issue.

Provincial Ministries:
Treasury Board and Finance,
Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
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