Senior’s Foundation Requisitions


January 2012

Expiry Date:

March 2015

Current Status:



Lacombe County


2 – Central









Vote Results:



WHEREAS the Alberta Housing Act allows that a management body that provides lodge accomodation may requisition those municipalities for which the management body provides lodge accommodation for; and

WHEREAS the requisition may be used to fund both operational and capital costs; and

WHEREAS the Province of Alberta regulates the amount of rent that a management body may charge to residents of a lodge; and

WHEREAS the funding levels from Province of Alberta for lodge facilities has not kept up with inflation and service demands; and

WHEREAS the needs of the lodge residents have forced lodge management bodies to expand their scope and levels of service;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties undertake a study of lodge management bodies to determine:

  • the extent that municipalities are being requisitioned,
  • the extent to which requisitions are used for operational and capital purposes,
  • the rate of increase in requisitions over the past 10 years,
  • the level of funding provided by the Province of Alberta for operational and capital purposes over the past 10 years,
  • the number of management bodies that requisition on an equalized assessment basis as opposed to other formulas,
  • representation on lodge management bodies,
  • mandated and actual services offered by lodge management bodies,

and to provide recommendations on alternatives for funding, representation and the mandate of lodge management bodies.

Member Background:

Lacombe County and partner municipalities that are requisitioned by the Lacombe Foundation have experienced a significant increase in the requisition over the past few years. Until recently the Lacombe Foundation has only used the requisition powers to fund capital projects, usually with the full support of the member municipalities, however, in recent years the Lacombe Foundation has been forced to requisition for both operational and capital costs.

The reason for the large increase in the requisitions is that:

  1. Municipalities are now funding operational deficits
  2. Provincial regulations limit the amount that can be charged for rent
  3. Provincial funding has not kept up with inflation
  4. Residents require more care than originally contemplated in a lodge setting

This situation is not unique to the Lacombe Foundation as many municipalities throughout Alberta have experienced similar increases in the past. While we appreciate that the Province of Alberta has made some progress in expanding the number of assisted living and extended care facilities this has done little to ease the pressures on senior lodges.

RMA Background:

Resolution 2-10S: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties request that the Government of Alberta amend the Alberta Capital Finance Authority Act to add Seniors’ Housing Authorities as shareholders of the Alberta Capital Finance Authority.

Resolution 4-10F: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AAMDC urge the Province of Alberta and Alberta Seniors and Community Supports to review the formulas that determine rents for our senior’s lodges, with an emphasis on a complete financial assessment of the lodge residents to determine their ability to pay.

The AAMDC has also conducted a recent survey to better understand member concerns with housing authorities. See also the 12S resolution entitled Housing Foundation Requisitions.

Government Response:

Municipal Affairs: Municipal Affairs has reviewed the resolution regarding the review of Housing Management Bodies relative to requisitions and the capital and operating needs of Seniors Lodges per the Alberta Housing Act.

The ministry endorses a review, but requests that it be a joint review between representatives from the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, Housing Management Bodies, the Alberta Seniors Citizens Housing Association and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, since this would be of mutual benefit, in particular as we develop our Long-Term Real Estate Strategy – Housing Investment Framework for Government Supported Housing.

Health: Health has no comment on this resolution, as the Lodge Program has recently been transferred from that ministry to Municipal Affairs.


The AAMDC actively participates in a committee with Municipal Affairs, AUMA and the Alberta Senior Citizens’ Housing Association in a comprehensive review of Alberta’s lodge program. The review includes governance issues, the state of current infrastructure, rental fee formulas, municipal requisitions and provincial funding levels. This work will assist in future advocacy efforts to ensure lodges remain financially sustainable into the future. As such, this resolution is deemed to be Accepted. The AAMDC will provide updates to members as they become available.

Provincial Ministries:

Municipal Affairs|-|Seniors

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.