Encourage Rural Municipalities to Attend the 2015 FCM Conference in Edmonton


October 2014

Expiry Date:

November 2017

Current Status:



Birch Hills County


4 – Northern









Vote Results:



WHEREAS the province of Alberta is the economic engine of Canada; and

WHEREAS the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties membership is encouraged to promote positive public relations with all of Canada;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties encourage all rural municipalities to budget for and attend the 2015 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference hosted in Edmonton from June 5-8, 2015.

Member Background:

FCM 2015 Annual Conference and Trade Show

June 5-8, 2015

Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton, AB

FCM’s upcoming Annual Conference and Trade Show is shaping up to be our best ever. In 2015, Canada’s largest national municipal conference heads west to Edmonton, AB and will be held at the Shaw Convention Centre.We hope you will join us from June 5 – June 8 as nearly 2,000 municipal leaders come together to discuss key issues and challenges their communities face. Be sure you’re part of it!

FCM’s Annual Conference and Trade Show delivers informative and thought-provoking content designed to meet the unique professional development needs of municipal political leaders and senior staff. Consider sending a team from your community to learn about innovative strategies and solutions for building stronger communities, stronger cities and a stronger Canada.

From informative seminars and workshops to thought-provoking plenary sessions and a dynamic trade show, Canada’s national municipal event will benefit anyone with a stake in the municipal sector.

Mark your calendars and make your plans to attend. Registration will open in early 2015.


24 Clarence Street

Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5P3
T. 613-241-5221
F. 613-241-7440
Email: info@fcm.ca

RMA Background:

The AAMDC has no active resolutions directly related to this issue.

Government Response:
None reported.


None reported.

Provincial Ministries:

None reported.

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.