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Municipal Trail Planning Committees


January 2001

Expiry Date:

December 2004

Current Status:











Vote Results:



WHEREAS public recreation trails are a land use activity requiring approval by the municipal government within whose jurisdiction it is present or proposed;AND WHEREAS public recreation trails may have negative as well as positive impact on the ratepayers of the municipality;AND WHEREAS public recreation trails are known to have resulted in negative impacts on agricultural producers in some jurisdictions within North America.AND WHEREAS municipalities desire that any proposal or development of public recreation trails within their boundaries meets with the expectations, requirements, and support of local ratepayers.

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties formally support the option of the formation of Municipal Trail Planning Committees as described in the attached Appendix 1.AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AAMDC urge the Government of the Province of Alberta to formally support this resolution.

Member Background:

The Alberta Association of Landowners for the Protection of Agricultural Land (AALPAL) is an umbrella organization of various landowner associations throughout the Province of Alberta, formed in response to proposed uses of abandoned rail lines that were deemed potentially inconsistent with the best interests of local adjacent landowners. The Alberta Association of Landowners for the Protection of Agriculture Land have approached Vulcan County as well as various other municipalities, seeking support for a position that would allow a process that guaranteed local input and decision making with regard to trail development. AALPAL have identified some key principles of the proposed resolution concerning trail planning committees as follows: 1. Because the committee would be appointed by, and responsible to, council, the authority of the municipality is complete. 2. The committee represents the broadest spectrum of ratepayers. Therefore, the municipality has assured the greatest protection and input to those they represent.3. The resolution supports and verifies the most important policy statement issued by the Trans Canada Trail, namely, a trail will only be built where it is wanted”. By seeking public input, the committee will determine public support.Municipal Trail Planning CommitteesAuthority Appointed by the municipality(ies) and accountable to the municipality(ies). Purpose As directed by the municipality(ies), including but not limited to the following: to define the need and desire for a public recreation trail within the municipality(ies); to define the route, or routes, of potential public recreation trails; to define the restrictions and conditions for potential public recreation trails; to provide to the municipality(ies) any recommendations or other inputs on the above, as well as other matters, as directed by the municipality(ies} Structure 2/3 membership selected from the ratepayers of the municipality(ies). Membership from the municipality (elected officials). Optional, one member from Alberta Agriculture. Optional, one member from a locally or provincially recognized trail support group. Chairman to be selected from one of the appointed ratepayers.Funding for basic research, operation, and surveys to be provided by the Government of Alberta. Services Secretarial and venue services provided by municipality(ies). A combination of municipalities may wish to pool resources into one committee.

RMA Background:

Government Response:
None reported.


None reported.

Provincial Ministries:

None reported.

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.