Control of Chemicals Used To Produce Methamphetamines


January 2003

Expiry Date:

December 2006

Current Status:














Vote Results:



WHEREAS the use of the drug methamphetamine is a serious problem in municipalities throughout our country;AND WHEREAS policing agencies across Canada are making record seizures of methamphetamines from super labs in communities across Canada;AND WHEREAS in 2000, Canada imported over 500,000 kilograms of pseudoephedrine, a main ingredient of methamphetamines, a 500% increase over the previous year;AND WHEREAS Canada has no control or monitoring over the sale of large quantities of other chemicals used in the production of methamphetamine, including pseudoephedrine, acetone, red phosphorus and hydriodic acid, all of which are easily obtainable;AND WHEREAS the United States has laws in place to regulate the sale of pseudoephedrine, acetone, red phosphorus and hydriodic acid used in the production of methamphetamine;AND WHEREAS Canadian municipalities are becoming prime shopping territory for American methamphetamine manufacturers looking for chemicals to make this highly addictive drug;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties urge the Government of Canada to implement regulations that will strictly control and monitor the sale and possession of large quantities of chemicals used in the production of methamphetamines such as pseudoephedrine, acetone, red phosphorus and hydriodic acid, and institute reporting requirements associated with the sale and possession of these chemicals.

Member Background:

Nearly 10 years ago, the Canadian government received strong advisement from the United States pertaining to the abuse of a drug known as crystal methamphetamine. The use of this highly addictive drug was having costly implications for virtually every sector of society in America, from health to child welfare. The advisement issued to Canada was to watch closely for signs that this drug may be entering our country, as in time, it could have equally devastating effects.Since that advisement, the Canadian government has been involved with international efforts to curb distribution of chemicals used in the production of illicit drugs. However, Canada has not aggressively pursued regulation and monitoring of the sale of chemicals used in the creation of illicit drugs.Subsequently, we have indeed seen the use of methamphetamine grow to a point where it is having a serious impact on many of the residents of our municipalities, regardless of size or location nationally. Every kind of social program, addictions program, health education program and policing program has been implemented throughout this county to educate people about the dangers of substance abuse and help those families and communities affected by addiction. However beneficial these programs may have been, they have had no impact on alleviating the actual presence of, or creation of, drugs in our communities.As municipalities, we have reached a stage in our efforts to address drug abuse where we recognize that our local attempts are not sufficient to stem the flow of contraband substances and the chemicals used to make them. We require clearly enforceable legislation pertaining to the sale and distribution of all chemicals that may be used in the production of methamphetamine, irrespective of quantity or country of origin. The legislation required to adequately enforce distribution and prosecute offenders must include:1. The classification of ALL chemicals, pure or rendered from legitimate product, required to create methamphetamine (known as Class A precursors) including red phosphorus, acetone and hydriodic acid, which are currently excluded or listed as Class B precursors.2. Stricter regulations and an administrative system that will give monitoring agencies a greater ability to track the movement of potential precursor chemicals to determine legitimacy of usage.3. The ability to criminally prosecute to a significant degree when infractions are identified.

RMA Background:

The AAMDC has no resolutions currently in effect with respect to this issue.

Government Response:
None reported.


None reported.

Provincial Ministries:

None reported.

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.