Meridian Dam


January 2001

Expiry Date:

March 2004

Current Status:














Vote Results:



WHEREAS the area south of Highway 12 and east of Highway 36, known as southeastern Alberta, has historically experienced a higher evaporation rate than rainfall (i.e. drought conditions); andWHEREAS this area provides the beef animals for “feedlot alley” in the Edmonton-Lethbridge corridor; andWHEREAS this area is historically short of locally grown feed for winter herd survival; andWHEREAS farms and ranches have, of necessity, become larger and larger due to the “cheap food policy” in North America, and this concentration of ownership has depleted the population of southeastern Alberta to the point that services normally expected and available to all other citizens of Alberta are becoming scarce; andWHEREAS the deregulation of the grain industry has encouraged secondary food processing; andWHEREAS secondary processing is the one saviour of population and thus those services; andWHEREAS a secure body of water is the primary ingredient missing from this area, which is abundant in energy; andWHEREAS additional clean energy (hydro) is needed within the Province of Alberta; andWHEREAS the proposed Meridian Dam Project will enhance the environment, broaden the tax base, increase tourism, strengthen the economy of the area, and stop the export of our youth; andWHEREAS the area which is most favourable to irrigation, is adjacent to the dam site;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties request the Provincial Government to provide adequate long term non-restrictive funding to municipalities to cover all aspects of bridge maintenance/replacement.

Member Background:

Many bridges are old and were built in the sixties or earlier. Bridge design standards need to be reviewed. Some bridges are narrow and may not accommodate safely today’s vehicle/equipment size and weight.A greater number of larger and longer trucks are being used today to haul grain, fertilizer, feed, etc.Farm equipment is wider and heavier (e.g. air seeders, combines, swathers).Costs such as maintenance work, inspection, related bridge road work minor repairs, etc. are not eligible under current funding guidelines, but should be included as they are all related to bridge work.

RMA Background:

The AAMDC has numerous resolutions currently in effect with respect to bridge funding: Resolution 5-95F, endorsed at the Fall 1995 Convention, calls for continued provincial funding of all municipal bridge infrastructure (this resolution will cease to be in effect following the 2000 Fall Convention). Resolution 14-96S, endorsed at the 1996 Spring Convention, also calls for full provincial funding of all municipal bridge inspections and maintenance. Resolution 9-96F, endorsed at the Fall 1996 Convention, calls for full provincial funding of all replacement and repair of municipal bridge structures. Resolution 15-96F, endorsed at the Fall 1996 Convention, calls for full provincial funding of all studies and work relating to municipal bridge structures. Resolution 7-97S, endorsed at the Spring 1997 Convention, calls for continued provincial funding of municipal bridge infrastructure. Resolution 13-98F, endorsed at the Fall 1998 Convention, calls for the AAMDC and the Government of Alberta to develop funding principles for the fair and equitable funding or bridge infrastructure.The AAMDC has been working with Alberta Infrastructure to develop a new formula for the funding of municipal bridge infrastructure. A draft proposal is under development, and a survey has been circulated to all AAMDC members asking for comment on proposed basic principles for such a new formula.

Government Response:
None reported.


None reported.

Provincial Ministries:

None reported.

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.