Short Term Solid Manure Storage


April 2013

Expiry Date:

March 2016

Current Status:

Intent Not Met


County of Lethbridge


1 – Foothills-Little Bow








Intent Not Met

Vote Results:

Carried as Amended


WHEREAS weather conditions and other mitigating factors make off-site short term solid manure storage a necessary component of confined feeding operations; and

WHEREAS short term solid manure storage guidelines are addressed in the Agriculture Operations Practices Act (AOPA) Regulations; and

WHEREAS AOPA Standards Administration Regulation states short term solid manure storage sites may not be placed within 150 meters of residences but no mention is made of setbacks from roads or public places of gathering i.e. churches, active cemeteries, parks; and

WHEREAS a short term storage site typically has 400-1,000 tonnes of manure which is 30-80 tandem loads;

Operative Clause:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties bring forward to the Agriculture Operations Practices Act (AOPA) Policy Advisory Group the review of short term solid manure storage as it pertains to setback distances from residences as it does not include places of public gatherings or roadways. 

Member Background:

The Agriculture Operation Practices Act regulates how long off-site solid manure storage can take place and setback distances to residences, water tables and common bodies of water. However, the regulations do not address setbacks from roads or places of public gathering such as active cemeteries, churches and campgrounds.  Many confined feeding operators are asking that the Agriculture Operation Practices Act include short term manure storage in upcoming AOPA policy reviews.  Most large feedlots, many with anywhere from 5,000 – 25,000 head of beef, are stockpiling manure away from their feedlots during the summer months when their crops are in the fields and they cannot spread their manure.  These piles are typically 450 – 1,000 tonnes, which is the amount they are normally spreading on a quarter section. Stockpiling has been taking place next to places of public gatherings, such as community centres, golf courses, churches, campgrounds and next to roads.  AOPA does not currently address the setback distance

RMA Background:

7-11S: Natural Resources Conservation Board Approval Process: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties request the Province of Alberta to review its approval process for confined feeding operation developments and ensure all limiting factors such as water are taken into consideration before the development is approved.

Government Response:

The Standards Administration Regulation under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) specifies the requirements for short-term solid manure storage.  Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) is responsible for the legislation, and the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) enforces the regulation.  The regulation expires on June 30, 2014, and ARD is currently determining whether to review or to extend it.  

ARD’s Policy Advisory Group (PAG) primarily provides guidance to the NRCB on issues related to the implementation of the AOPA and its regulations.  It may also discuss topics related to the AOPA, such as short-term solid manure storage.  As a PAG member, the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties may bring issues directly to the PAG by contacting the PAG co-chairs.  The co-chairs will determine the topic’s appropriateness and relative priority compared to other future agenda items.  


The original government response indicated that the former Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is uncertain if a review of the Standards Administration Regulation under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) will take place at this time. The AAMDC did raise this issue at the January 2014 AOPA Policy Advisory Group (PAG) meeting, but at this point it is unclear whether or not the PAG will move forward in presenting this issue as a concern to Alberta Agriculture and forestry or Environment and Parks. This resolution has been assigned a status of Intent Not Met until progress has been made addressing this issue.

Provincial Ministries:

Agriculture and Rural Development

Provincial Boards and Organizations:

None reported.
Federal Ministries and Bodies:
None reported.

Internal Notes:

None reported.