The RMA is hosting a webinar with Alberta Environment and Parks to discuss progress on modernizing the environmental regulatory system
The RMA is hosting a presentation and Q&A session with senior representatives from Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP). The session will cover the ministry’s progress on working to fulfill the vision of a balanced and results-based approach to environmental stewardship for air, land, water, and biodiversity while enabling sustainable development of natural resources.
AEP has been modernizing its regulatory system to reduce red tape, create efficiencies, and transparency while still maintaining high environmental standards. This has been a significant effort involving stakeholders, multiple initiatives, and timelines that form a bigger picture of the system transformation and overall environmental performance in Alberta. The session will address each of AEP’s modernization initiatives, how the work is being prioritized, and how success is being measured.
The presentation will be held over Zoom on February 14 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Registration is not required and staff recommend that you save the presentation link in your calendars.
If you have any questions, please contact Alex Mochid at
Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy