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Wildfire Disaster Financial Assistance Available

The Government of Alberta has approved $175 million for the Disaster Recover Program

As a response to the wildfire situation in Alberta, municipalities that have incurred wildfire-related costs in recent months can now apply for the Disaster Recovery Program (DRP). The Government of Alberta has approved $175 million in recovery efforts to help communities recoup costs associated with wildfire response and recovery. This funding amount was established through estimates based on reported damages and contingency planning. The Government of Alberta has informed the RMA that the $175 million amount may be increased if needed.

Eligible expenses that may be covered could include volunteer firefighter wages, local authority firefighter and municipal staff overtime costs, mutual aid costs for reception centre accommodation, food and transportation, structural protection costs, and uninsurable infrastructure damaged during the wildfire response. Regular DRP application deadlines have been waived to ensure that all applications can be reviewed for eligibility.

The DRP covers 90% of eligible expenses, requiring municipalities to contribute, or find other means of funding, for the remaining 10%. The RMA has advocated that this change to a 90/10 cost-share (from the previous model in which the Government of Alberta covered 100% of costs) could have significant financial impacts on municipalities. As this is the first major or widespread disaster since the change, the RMA plans to work closely with impacted municipalities to understand their costs and the impacts of the cost-share requirements on municipal fiscal capacity.

Government of Alberta staff have identified impacted communities through the response phase of the wildfires, but if any have been missed, they are encouraged to reach out and apply through their regional Field Officer.

The DRP application can be accessed through the Disaster Financial Assistance and Recovery Support webpage under Municipal and Metis Settlement DRP Application. Please note that the application may not load in a web browser and may need to be downloaded directly to a desktop.

The RMA Wildfire Assistance Program Guide 2023 provides an overview of financial assistance available.

For specific questions about program eligibility, application processes, etc., members are encouraged to contact the AEMA by phone at 1.888.671.1111 or by email at Members can also contact an AEMA regional office for questions about local conditions.

Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy