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Updated Broadband Coverage Map Available

Map provides information on underserved areas as identified by CRTC

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has released an updated map indicating areas of Canada served and not served by 50 Mbps download/10Mbps upload speeds, which have been set as the universal broadband service objective across Canada and will be used to determine funding eligibility under the CRTC Broadband Fund.

The map divides Canada into a series of 25km2 hexagons. If a hexagon is green, it includes at least one residence, and no residence in the hexagon has access to 50/10 speeds. If a hexagon is white, it either has at least one residence located within it with access to 50/10 speeds or has no residences of any kind located within it. This map will be used to determine eligible areas for project funding under the CRTC’s Broadband Fund. The first call for applications under the Fund will occur sometime in 2019. It is unknown if the current maps will be used to determine funding, or if the maps will be updated immediately before a call for applications is issued. In either case, the current maps provide a strong indication of areas in Alberta that will be eligible for funding. The map also includes information on areas with access to high-capacity transport infrastructure and long-term evolution (LTE) mobile wireless service.

RMA members that are considering applying under the Fund or working with an ISP or other partner are encouraged to review the map. Click here to view the map.

For enquiries, please contact:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy