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UPDATE ON BILL 21: Modernized Municipal Government Act

Last week, the Government of Alberta tabled Bill 21: Modernized Municipal Government Act in the Legislature. This legislation proposes a number of significant changes to how municipalities operate. Since that time, the AAMDC has been touring the province with the new legislation and discussing the proposed changes with members.

The AAMDC has held four of the five sessions with the last session being held on June 20th in Peace River (St. Isidore Cultural Centre, St. Isidore). Members who have not been able to attend the AAMDC sessions in their own district are invited to attend this session. Click here to register.

In addition to the AAMDC member consultations, the AAMDC has also prepared a guide to the new MGA as well as a workbook for members to complete.

The AAMDC Guide to the Modernized MGA can be accessed here.

The AAMDC Workbook on the Modernized MGA can be accessed here.

The workbook is intended to allow members to provide feedback on specific issues raised in the MGA but do not feel obligated to complete the entire workbook. The deadline for workbook submission will be June 30th, 2016. To submit the workbook to the AAMDC, they can be emailed to Policy Analyst, Matt Dow at or mailed to the AAMDC at:

c/o Matt Dow
2510 Sparrow Drive
Nisku, AB
T9E 8N5

The AAMDC will be using the feedback received from the member consultations, the workbooks and a forthcoming survey to identify advocacy priorities for the AAMDC, which will be submitted to Alberta Municipal Affairs for consideration as the legislation is brought back in the fall for a final vote. The AAMDC will also be assembling a ‘What We Heard’ document which will be available in the near future.

The Government of Alberta is also holding their ownconsultations across the province. To register for these events, click here. AAMDC members are reminded that this legislation is a draft and members are encouraged to participate in MGA related events to ensure the rural voice is heard in these conversations.

Please stay tuned through Contact to learn how members can provide additional input to the AAMDC.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst
Kim Heyman
Director of Advocacy and Communications