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Transportation Needs Assessment for Seniors and People with Disabilities by MARD – Results Available Now!

Medically At-Risk Driver (MARD) Centre at the University of Alberta has released five zone-based, and one rural/urban-based reports from their recent Alberta Provincial Transportation Needs Assessment of Seniors and Persons with Disabilities.

The five zone-based reports provide valuable feedback on the unmet transportation needs of seniors and what seniors think alternative transportation services (ATS) should look like. The sixth report focuses on the unmet transportation needs of persons with disabilities and what persons with disabilities think specialized transportation for persons with disabilities should look like in rural and urban areas of Alberta.

The six reports are as follows:

Reports are available at no cost by clicking the links above or on the MARD website here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Chelsea Parent
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications