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Transportation Infrastructure Funding Available Through the National Trade Corridors Fund

Transport Canada is accepting expressions of interest for funding under the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF), which provides funding for projects that support the flow of goods and passengers by reducing bottlenecks and addressing capacity issues, help the transportation system withstand the effects of climate change and support innovation, foster economic and social development in Canada’s territorial north, and build on existing public and private investments in transportation infrastructure.

Municipalities are among those eligible to apply for NTCF funding. Eligible activities include the following types of projects:

  • Prepare (for example, plan, demolish, prepare site), construct, rehabilitate and improve infrastructure assets related to transportation, such as:
    • Studies (feasibility, environmental, planning and integration), including computer and simulation modelling, to guide the development of infrastructure projects and technology applications
    • Highway, bridge, interchange and road projects along corridors that involve more than one mode of transportation, including those that provide access to border crossing facilities
    • Infrastructure that involves more than one mode of transportation (for example, airports, ports, rail yards, facilities, access roads) and makes the best use of the overall transportation system to support international trade
    • Grade separations that provide more efficient and safer road and rail interaction
    • Improvements to the transportation infrastructure in Canada’s territorial North and at airports with annual passenger flows below 600,000
  • Acquire and install technologies and equipment that advance and support the efficient movement of goods and people and help integrate transportation modes in Canada’s trade corridors (for example, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and radio frequency or optical identification readers)

The deadline for submitting an expression of interest (EOI) application is 3:00pm EDT on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. The guide for developing an EOI application is available by clicking here. After reviewing EOI applications, Transport Canada will notify successful applicants and move on to the next phase of the process, which includes a comprehensive project proposal. Transport Canada will directly share the Comprehensive Project Proposal Applicant’s Guide with those invited to submit.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications