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Transport Canada Consulting on Marine Safety and Crude Oil Tankers

As part of a broader effort to plan for the future of Canada’s transportation network, the Government of Canada is currently inviting stakeholder input on marine safety and a potential crude oil tanker moratorium on British Columbia’s north coast.

While these issues do not directly impact rural Alberta, both have the potential to impact the movement of natural resources originating in Alberta to global markets.

The deadline to submit feedback is September 30, 2016. Feedback can be provided by answering the questions posted on the Government of Canada’s Let’s Talk Marine Transportation website. The link to the tanker moratorium website is here. The link to the marine safety section is here.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Wyatt Skovron, Policy Analyst 780.955.4096

Kim Heyman, Director of Advocacy and Communications 780.955.4079