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Survey Results from Rural Municipalities on Wind and Solar Energy

The Miistakis Institute, in collaboration with the AAMDC, has released findings of a recent survey completed by rural municipalities on their policies, plans, and processes related to large scale wind and solar projects. The report, available here, provides some key findings about rural municipalities and how they are handling growth in the renewable energy sector.

Some highlights from the survey include:

  • 90% of respondents require a development permit for large solar and wind projects;
  • 56% of respondents have developed wind by-laws, the most common focus is on setbacks on certain features, grade and drainage, access plans and siting requirements;
  • 57% of respondents do not currently have solar by-laws in place, the ones that do most commonly focus on siting requirements, setbacks on certain features and systems information; and
  • 61% of respondents are not aware of the Alberta Environment and Parks Wind and Solar Directives.

Click here to access the full survey report.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications