The Surface Water Allocation Directive came into effect March 6, 2019
The Surface Water Allocation Directive supports water allocation management decisions for watersheds that lack specific objectives or requirements under plans, frameworks, or other prescriptive guidance. The directive provides a desktop evaluation approach for consistent water allocation decisions, which will balance both ecological needs and economic considerations where planning processes have not established water management objectives.
The directive provides guidance on water allocations from rivers, lakes, and wetlands using a sustainable watershed approach. It applies to new water licence applications and temporary diversion licences but does not impact existing licences. It can, however, be applicable to term licences at time of renewal
The Surface Water Allocation Directive can be found on the Open Government website here.
For further information and inquires please contact Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Water Policy Department at
For enquiries, please contact:
Matt Dow
Policy Analyst
Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy