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Submit Now for R.W. Hay, Long Service Award Nominees, and In Memoriam Recognition

The RMA values the opportunity to recognize members for their dedicated service

Recognition of members through the R.W. Hay Award, Long Service awards, and In Memoriam will take place during the RMA 2023 Fall Convention. Celebrating the commitment of the RMA’s elected officials and administrators is an important component of every fall convention.

Please ensure you submit names and nominations as soon as possible, and before the deadline of October 6, 2023 through the links provided below.

Awards and Recognition

  • R.W. Hay Award for Administrative Excellence
    • The RMA, in partnership with the Society of Local Government Managers (SLGM), extends an invitation to member municipalities to nominate outstanding rural administrators. Any chief administrative officer who served or is serving in the current calendar year in an RMA member municipality is eligible to be nominated.
  • Long Service Award
    • The RMA recognizes the long-term service by rural elected officials or administrators for the terms of 9, 15, 20, 25 years (and every 5 year increments after).
  • In Memoriam
    • The RMA values the opportunity to recognize municipal leaders and administrators who have passed on since the last convention.

Please visit the RMA Convention web page and continue to watch for bulletins in the Contact newsletter for more information on the upcoming RMA 2023 Fall Convention.

Cindy Carstairs
Administrative & Convention Coordinator

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy