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Spring 2019 Emergent Resolution Process Reminder

RMA’s resolution deadline for the Spring 2019 Convention was Wednesday, February 13, 2019. Any resolutions being brought forward after this date will be considered emergent.

As per RMA’s resolution process policy, an emergent resolution is defined as a resolution submitted to RMA after the resolution deadline that deals with a subject or problem that has arisen subsequent to the resolution deadline. The RMA Resolutions Committee will meet prior to the resolutions session at the fall convention to review any resolutions submitted after the resolutions deadline to determine if they meet the definition of emergent.

If the resolution is deemed to be emergent, it will come to the convention floor through the appropriate process. Sponsoring municipalities will be notified by the committee as to the committee’s decision if the resolution is emergent in nature. The member bringing forward the emergent resolution must, at their own expense, provide copies for voting members in attendance (minimum 600). Members submitting an emergent resolution are encouraged to bring 600 copies of their resolution to convention for distribution in the event that the resolutions committee deems the resolution to meet the definition of emergent. The RMA is not responsible for copying or distributing emergent resolutions on behalf of sponsoring municipalities.

Any members who intend to bring forward an emergent resolution for consideration are encouraged to advise a member of the RMA Resolutions Committee or RMA Policy Analyst Wyatt Skovron at as soon as possible.

Committee members are as follows:

  • Chair – Kara Westerlund, RMA Vice President, or 780.955.4076
  • District 1 – Randy Taylor, County of Warner
  • District 2 – Bruce Beattie, Mountain View County
  • District 3 – Jackie McCuaig, Parkland County
  • District 4 – Leanne Beaupre, County of Grande Prairie
  • District 5 – Eric Anderson, County of Minburn

For enquiries, please contact:

Wyatt Skovron
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy