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Solar-Friendly Municipalities Toolkit Now Available

A toolkit to aid the province’s municipalities in adopting and developing solar photovoltaic (PV) power systems in their communities is now available.

The Solar-Friendly Municipalities toolkit was developed in partnership between the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC), the Pembina Institute, and the Solar Energy Society of Alberta with funding provided in part by the Government of Alberta. The toolkit is a response to expressed interest for resources to help municipalities take a leadership role in solar PV systems development on their own facilities and to streamline permitting processes for their communities.

Municipalities are uniquely positioned to lead the deployment of solar PV because of the relationship they have with their citizens, their interests in promoting the sustainability of their communities, and the potential for solar to generate economic growth. This role is increasingly recognized with many municipalities leading the way by installing solar PV systems on their own facilities and engaging with their community members to reduce barriers to solar energy development.

The Solar-Friendly Municipalities Toolkit provides municipalities is intended to serve as a resource to make solar PV and the accompanying benefits a reality in their communities, including:

  • Alberta-specific information on solar PV, the permitting process, along with a review of project cost, financing and earnings for a municipality that wants to install solar on its own facilities.
  • Best practice recommendations for planners and permitting officials on permitting, taxes and access for solar PV projects.
  • Community Engagement and Municipal Leadership strategies with examples from Alberta, Canada, and around the world. Organized by key engagement tactics it also shares some municipal leadership strategies that can be used to demonstrate the benefits of solar PV.
  • A Solar Calculator to help municipalities evaluate the economics and performance of proposed grid-connected solar PV projects compared to purchasing electricity from the grid in Alberta.

Continued engagement and feedback on the toolkit is welcomed to ensure it remains relevant as municipalities move forward with solar leadership and growing the solar industry across the province.

The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre is a partnership between the Government of Alberta, the AAMDC and the AUMA.  The MCCAC has several programs available to support municipalities in addressing climate change.

Enquiries may be directed to:

Tasha Blumenthal
Policy Analyst

Kim Heyman
Director, Advocacy & Communications