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See What’s Trending on Community Conserve

Community Conserve allows users to vote and fund projects that they think would benefit their community.

Is your municipality facing any of the challenges listed below? If so, go to the Community Conserve site and ‘vote’ for them. The issues/ideas with the most votes get turned into project plans and posted back on the site for crowd funding.  Below are the current projects that are open to voting.

VOTE NOW  (no login required!)

  1. Municipalities don’t have access to good wetlands data (37 votes)
  2. Environment, conservation and alignment with regional plans (28 votes)
  3. The impact of the new MGA on municipalities’ environmental responsibilities is unclear (23 votes)
  4. Are there alternate ways of raising revenues for conservation (15 votes)
  5. Information on environmental impacts of gravel extraction (15 votes)
  6. Can municipalities tax conservation lands differently than other lands (10 votes)
  7. Ditch reclamation for pollinators (10 votes)
  8. Timeline study for Provincial Water Act approvals (1 vote)

Post Your Ideas

Do you have an issue or idea that is not listed here? If you are a municipal employee, administrator, or councillor, you can post issues and ideas on the Community Conserve website.


Skip the Line

Are you ready to go with a conservation or environment project?

Do you (and perhaps another municipality) have the idea and part of the funding, and want to go straight to pooling resources? Will those results benefit multiple municipalities? Let Community Conserve know and they can post that straight to the Fund a Project page.

For enquiries, please contact:

Matt Dow
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy