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RMA Spring 2019 Resolutions Expiring

The following resolutions that were endorsed at the RMA 2019 Spring Convention are now expiring. For details on the last provided update, please visit the RMA Resolution Database.

1-19S Municipal Support for the Energy Industry
2-19S Access to Agriculture-Specific Mental Health Resources
3-19S Light Weight Concrete Bridge Girders
4-19S Bighorn Country Proposal Consultation
5-19S Amendments Required for Crown Land Recreation Disposition Applications and Renewals
6-19S Prevent Implementation of Seed Royalty on Producers for Farm Saved Seed
7-19S Solar Power Reclamation
8-19S Reinstatement of the Municipal Officer’s Expense Allowance
9-19S Watershed Planning and Advisory Council Funding
10-19S Strategic Direction for the RMA
11-19S Update on the Provincial Code of Practice for Compost Facilities
12-19S Making Children’s Healthcare a Priority in Alberta

Though expired resolutions no longer form part of the RMA’s formal active advocacy efforts, all relevant resolutions are considered when issues or consultation opportunities arise.

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy