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RMA Scholarship Winners Announced

The RMA’s 2022 scholarship program has awarded scholarships to five rural students

The RMA is pleased to announce that five outstanding rural Alberta students have been awarded the 2022 RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship. These students demonstrated their commitment to rural Alberta through their chosen studies, community involvement, and academic achievement.

The RMA Board of Directors would like to congratulate this year’s recipients:

  • Makayla Gross, County of Forty Mile (District 1)
  • Vera Brettelle, Clearwater County (District 2)
  • Maygan Peck, Lac Ste. Anne County (District 3)
  • Rochelle Beekman, County of Grande Prairie (District 4)
  • Dhyan Patel, RM of Wood Buffalo (District 5)

The RMA’s post-secondary scholarship is awarded annually to one student from each RMA district. Applications for 2023 will be accepted beginning in May 2023. Watch for the announcement in Contact.

Emmanuel Chukwuma
Policy & Research Analyst

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy