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RMA Requests Asset Management Data from Members

As the RMA works to quantify the current rural municipal infrastructure deficit, member data is needed

The RMA is undertaking an ambitious study to assess the current infrastructure deficit in rural municipalities. This is a critical initiative to support ongoing advocacy efforts and to demonstrate the importance of provincial investment into rural municipal infrastructure. This work has recently been initiated and will extend into the first half of 2024. The work has been structured into two key phases:

  1. Bridge and culvert infrastructure deficit analysis utilizing the provincial TIMS data.
  2. Non-TIMS core infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, water/wastewater/engineered stormwater systems, facilities, as well as any non-TIMS related bridges/culverts) utilizing RMA member data.

Based on this phasing, the RMA needs your help to conduct this important assessment. It is critical for us to access member infrastructure data to properly assess the overall infrastructure deficit amongst rural municipalities.

Many of you may have seen our previous request and determined that your information would not be useful to us. Please know, any information we can access will provide value to this process and we would highly encourage all members to participate to the greatest degree possible. Here are several ways to participate:

  1. If you have information on the current condition ratings and projected replacement values for any area of core infrastructure, we need you to support this process. This is the highest value information available.
  2. If you have information on the original age of construction, as well as information on investments over time, for any area of core infrastructure, this is also extremely valuable and we request your participation.
  3. If you have your infrastructure inventoried in GIS or some other system but lack the condition or investment information above, please still participate. The extrapolation process works best if we know more about the characteristics of your specific infrastructure. We can connect you with our team with any additional questions, but we are hoping to find a way to include your information.

Our team is committed to making participation as simple as possible. We are available for questions, one-on-one working sessions, or for any other supports required throughout this process. Please note, all information will be aggregated, so privacy of your information is guaranteed.

If you think you have any information which could be utilized in this study, please contact the project lead Karrina Jung for more details.

Karrina Jung
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Director of External Relations & Advocacy