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RMA Releases Update on Victim Services Regionalization

The Victim Services Update outlines RMA concerns with the Government of Alberta’s regionalization of victim services

The RMA has become aware of further details regarding the regionalization of victim services and continues to have concerns about the effectiveness of this redesign and its impacts on rural service users, staff, and volunteers. The RMA has released a victim services update that provides key messaging for RMA members to use in discussions with their MLAs and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services, along with information and concerns regarding:

  • The loss of local flexibility for victim services units (VSUs)
  • The inability for the new model to provide appropriate service levels
  • The recruitment and retention of VSU staff
  • The insufficient funding for VSUs through Budget 2024-25

This update is a follow-up to the RMA’s original victim services issue backgrounder that was released in summer 2023, which outlined rural municipal concerns with the Government of Alberta’s (GOA) plan to regionalize victim services. Since the release of this issue backgrounder, the GOA has continued with the regionalization of VSUs.

Rural municipalities and residents deserve localized services that reflect the diverse needs of their communities. The RMA will continue to update members with any further information on this issue.

Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy