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RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship Program

The 2019 application term is now open and closes August 31, 2019

In recognition of the importance of an educated population to the future well-being of rural communities, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) established the RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship Program in 1995. The Program is designed to encourage rural Albertans to pursue further education, and thereby enhance the ability of these young people to make meaningful contributions to their communities in subsequent years. A scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is presented to one successful applicant from each of RMA’s five districts.


Eligibility and Application Procedure

In order to be eligible, an applicant must:

  • be a resident of a municipality which is a member in good standing of RMA, including municipal districts, counties, specialized municipalities, and the Special Areas;
  • be registered in his or her first four years of study at a recognized post-secondary institution (i.e. the applicant must not have any previous degrees or diplomas). Preference will be given to candidates attending a recognized post-secondary institution in Alberta, except in instances where the chosen program of study is not available in Alberta; and
  • be pursuing a course of studies of relevance to local government and/or rural communities.
    • This criterion is not intended to restrict eligibility, instead, applicants are invited to explain the relevance of their intended study program within their letter of application.

Click here for the application. Submission packages must also include the following items:

  • a letter from the applicant, setting out his/her goals and objectives in pursuing further education, as well as the relevance of their study program to local government and/or rural communities;
  • official transcripts of his/her high school marks (note: photocopies are acceptable provided that the photocopy includes the signature of a school or municipal official, along with that official’s confirmation that the photocopy is a true copy of the original);
  • a brief resume outlining employment experience, community involvement, volunteer activities, recreational activities, cultural pursuits, etc.; and
  • written confirmation from local rural municipality’s chief administrative officer (CAO) certifying that the applicant is a resident of the municipality.

All interested persons are invited to apply for the RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship by forwarding the application package to the following address:

RMA Scholarship Program
Attention: Warren Noga
2510 Sparrow Drive
Nisku, AB T9E 8N5

For enquiries, please contact:

Warren Noga
Policy Analyst

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy