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RMA Participating in Cross-Canada Cooperative Procurement Webinar

The RMA is proud to be part of a cross-Canada procurement partnership with sister associations in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador that helps members with their procurement needs.

Through the cooperative procurement group, the RMA is able to leverage the collective buying power of thousands of municipalities and not-for-profit organizations across the country to secure preferential pricing and service. In the face of the current pandemic and ongoing economic uncertainties, the strength and stability of this cooperative initiative help members more efficiently utilize their resources and serve their communities.

Join us at 9:00 am MDT on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 to learn more about this pan-Canadian group effort and how it can help your organization.

Participation in the webinar is free, but members are asked to register in advance.

Register now

For more information, please contact:

Brandon Low
Manager of Marketing & Communications

Tyler Hannemann
Manager of Business Development