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RMA Member Briefing on Premier’s Review of the AER

Premier’s Review raises several concerns for RMA regarding the role of a public regulator

Earlier in 2024, the Premier formed the Premier’s Review of the Alberta Energy Regulator. Recently, the review panel released a report recommending a wide range of changes to the AER that would, in their view, position the regulator to support a modernized energy industry. The recommendations are based around a broader argument that the AER’s scope should be limited to only consider technical issues, as opposed to serving a larger public interest role. The RMA has developed a short member briefing summarizing the review document.

In addition to the member briefing, the RMA has provided the Premier’s office with a detailed analysis of the recommendations made in the review. Members are also encouraged to review the 2023 final report of the RMA’s Quasi-Judicial Agencies Member Committee for a refresher on the RMA’s recent recommendations for how the AER, and other quasi-judicial agencies, can better consider local impacts when reviewing project application. 

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy