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RMA Makes Two Submissions Regarding Renewable Energy Approvals

Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation and the Alberta Utilities Commission were both seeking input related to project approval processes and agricultural land impacts.

RMA recently made submissions to both Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (AGI) and the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) in response to consultations regarding renewable energy development and approvals.

AGI was consulting on their “agriculture first” initiative which aims to define how renewable energy approvals will be handled with respect to prioritizing land for agricultural production. See RMA’s submission to AGI here.

AUC is actively consulting on Rule 007, with submissions being accepted until September 3. RMA previously published a member guide to support submissions from municipalities. This guide was emailed directly to members. See RMA’s submission to the AUC here.

RMA will continue to identify ways to participate in consultations shaping renewable energy policy and share this work with members. 

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy