“Losing Bet” will equip RMA members with the tools necessary to understand and advocate for changes to the charitable gaming model.
RMA is concerned about the inequities faced by rural organizations through the current charitable gaming model. Despite many years of advocacy from RMA and other rural stakeholders, the Government of Alberta has taken no action to ensure gaming funds are distributed equitably to charitable organizations across the province.
RMA is not backing down from this issue. That is why RMA is launching “Losing Bet,” a campaign that will call on the Government of Alberta to make changes to the charitable gaming model to address the inequities that currently exist.
“Losing Bet” will feature information sheets, resources, and a final report that will equip members and rural organizations with an understanding of how the charitable system works and how to advocate for change.
This campaign is in response to Resolution 12-23S: Casino Opportunities for Charitable Organizations, which calls for equity to all charitable organizations in Alberta, by addressing the disparity between the funding provided, and the frequency of casino opportunities available to charitable organizations in major urban centers compared with those in rural communities. To follow along with this campaign, please visit the RMA’s Charitable Gaming Resources webpage and subscribe to the RMA’s Contact Newsletter to stay up to date with the release of further information!
Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy