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RMA Insurance Welcomes New Claims Team

There have been some big changes in the Claims Department of RMA Insurance over the last several months and we are excited to introduce this new team to our members!

Sarah Hirst, FCIP CRM is leading the new Claims Department as the Manager of Claims. Sarah joined the RMA in March of this year and brings with her over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry. She most recently spent eight years with ClaimsPro where she worked as a district manager and national project director.

Emily Gray, CIP joined RMA Insurance back in November 2020 as a Junior Claims Examiner working on multi-line claims. Emily has been working in insurance since 2013 with a variety of both underwriting and adjusting experience.

Vanessa Thompson is an insurance professional with more than 10 years of experience. Her career has seen her handling everything from sales and service brokering, to leadership roles in property and auto insurance, and to professional and commercial liability claim handling. Vanessa has joined the RMA as a Senior Claims Examiner, specializing in the school board portfolio.

Liz Cook, BA, FCIP recently started with RMA Insurance as a Senior Claims Examiner, specializing in the municipal portfolio. Liz brings with her more than 19 years of experience in property and casualty claims, including more than five years of direct experience working with municipalities, making her an invaluable addition to the team.

In addition to our examiners, the Claims Department also includes two experienced Risk Advisors.

Lacey Barnhard, who had been directly involved in the RMA claims process for over four years, moved into a new role as a Risk Advisor last year. She has recently returned from maternity leave and we are excited to welcome her back to the office.

Finally, Helene Klassen, MBA, FCIP, CRM recently joined the RMA as our newest Risk Advisor. Helene has a wide range of experience in everything from underwriting to business administration, giving her a unique and seasoned perspective as she works with our members.

To connect with RMA Claims staff or for any claims-related enquiries, please email

We are excited to offer a fully-staffed, enthusiastic, and professional claims team to continue to provide top tier service for our membership!

Sarah Hirst
Manager of Claims

Emily Gray
Junior Claims Examiner

Vanessa Thompson
Senior Claims Examiner

Liz Cook
Senior Claims Examiner

Lacey Barnhard
Risk Advisor

Helene Klassen
Risk Advisor