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RMA Insurance Postpones RiskPro 2020

As everyone is well aware, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Albertans and Canadians are experiencing measures and facing uncertainty not seen before.

“The new cases that have emerged today, particularly those demonstrating transmission into communities and school settings, means we need to put in place additional restrictions for schools, day cares, continuing care facilities, and worship gatherings. These decisions are not made lightly, and I know they will have a tremendous impact on Albertans’ day-to-day lives, particularly parents, children, and seniors. But it is crucial we do everything possible to contain and limit the spread of COVID-19.”

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health – March 15, 2020

Our goal, first and foremost, is the health and safety of our members, our communities, and Albertans. So it is with regret that, as a response to these latest developments, RMA Insurance is postponing all RiskPro 2020 workshops until further notice. We have cancelled all RMA staff, speakers, and member room reservations related to RiskPro 2020 at all venues, but still recommend that you confirm that your room reservation has been cancelled.

We want to thank everyone who registered for the workshops, all our speakers, and venues for your understanding and look forward to seeing you and working with you once we are able to set new dates.

RMA Insurance is working to ensure that our services and our ability to respond to your needs will not be adversely affected as this situation evolves. If you are looking for up-to-date medical information and advisories, please follow Alberta Health Services for the most current status of the outbreak and what is being done for Albertans.

Protecting your health is a key priority to the RMA. We recommend that you review and follow the recommendations from Alberta Health Services.

For any enquiries, please contact:

Craig Pettigrew
Manager of Insurance