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RMA Fall 2018 Convention In Memoriam and Long Service Awards

Online submissions must be completed by October 26, 2018 to meet convention print deadlines.

Recognizing individuals who serve their municipalities is an important element of the RMA fall convention. Online registration for the RMA’s In Memoriam and Long Service Awards is now open, and to add a name to either list, visit the RMA website, or click here.

The In Memoriam list exists to acknowledge individuals who have served their municipal district or county and who have passed away since last fall’s convention.

The Long Service Awards are to acknowledge councillors and administration that have celebrated a milestone with the municipality. The awards begin at 9 years of service and continue on at five-year increments from 15 (e.g. 15, 20, 25, 30…). Please note that RMA does not track years of service.

The deadline for online submissions is October 26, 2018. Those receive prior to this deadline will be included in the convention handbook.

Late submissions will be recognized at convention but will not be included in the convention handbook. Email late submissions to

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For enquiries, please contact:

Cindy Carstairs
Administrative and Convention Coordinator

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy