The RMA prepared a document to help members understand the issues that will be discussed at upcoming engagement sessions
Alberta Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) announced their plans to engage with municipalities regarding the potential transition to an Alberta Provincial Police Service (APPS). This engagement session will explore the issues laid out in the APPS Transition Study, APPS Future State Report, and the APPS Current State Report.
To help members prepare for participation in these JSG engagement sessions, the RMA has prepared an engagement guide. This engagement guide will walk members through the key issues identified by the RMA related to the APPS transition study. The guide is structured to follow the format of the engagement sessions, which will be based around five themes. Each of these themes is summarized, including issues of importance for RMA members, priority advocacy items, and key questions members can ask during the sessions.
The RMA is also finalizing a provincial police service transition web hub that will host the engagement guide, APPS reports, and information on engagement sessions. The hub should be available next week, so stay tuned to Contact for more information.
Warren Noga
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy