The bridge report is the first phase of an RMA project to quantify Alberta’s rural municipal infrastructure deficit. Stay tuned for more reports in the coming weeks!
Over the past several months, the RMA, in conjunction with Tantus Solutions Group, has undertaken an ambitious study to assess the current infrastructure deficit in rural municipalities. This is a critical initiative to support ongoing advocacy efforts and to demonstrate the importance of provincial investment into rural municipal infrastructure. This work consisted of collection and in-depth analysis of provincial and municipal asset data.
The project’s first report, focused on rural municipal bridges, is now available. The report identifies Alberta’s rural municipal bridge infrastructure deficit at $2.29 billion. It also projects that the deficit will balloon to $3.76 billon in 2028 based on current provincial funding available for bridge infrastructure projects. The report also finds that a one-time investment to return the portfolio to good condition would have a return on investment of approximately seven years due to the much lower annual maintenance costs required for a bridge network at an optimal condition level.
For a quick overview of the report’s findings, access the At-a-Glance Document. To understand the report’s methodology, detailed findings, and impacts, review the full report.
In the coming weeks, RMA will release similar reports on rural municipal road and utility infrastructure, as well as a final report with a series of policy recommendations. For more information on the purpose of the overall Rural Municipal Infrastructure Deficit project, read the project overview document.
Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy