The resource, which includes an overview and frequently asked questions are intended to provide members with the details they need to understand Bill 22 and what it means for healthcare in their municipality
In May 2024, the Government of Alberta passed Bill 22: Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024, which ratifies the creation of a four sector healthcare delivery model that includes acute care, primary care, continuing care, mental health and addiction. The RMA has developed a member resource document to support members in understanding Bill 22’s impacts.
The Health Statutes Amendment Act changes how health services will be delivered and how rural local input can shape the healthcare system. The Health Minister will remain responsible for healthcare in the province as the “oversight Minister” and work with several “sector Ministers” who manage acute care, primary care, continuing care, and mental health and addiction. Community health councils that were previously mandatory and provided local input, become a discretionary option.
The new model will introduce greater variability in the organizations who deliver health services via an agreement with the government. Regional health authorities, provincial health agencies (i.e. AHS), health service delivery organizations, other health service providers, the oversight and sector ministers are the options for health service delivery.
The frequently asked questions this overview answers include:
- How are sector goals and activities defined?
- What are “health services delivery organizations” and what mechanisms will be there to ensure they are accountable to the Government of Alberta?
- Will the role of community health councils change to reflect the new four-sector structure?
- What does this mean for healthcare in my municipality?
The RMA will stay up to date and monitor the impact on rural healthcare delivery as the health sectors are operationalized.
Ashley Hadley
Policy & Research Analyst
Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy