Save the date for the EPR Registration Webinar hosted by RMA on October 11
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is designed to shift the physical and financial burden of collecting, sorting, processing, and recycling waste away from municipalities and taxpayers and onto producers. This system is operating in provinces across the country and implementation is now making its way to Alberta. This transition will have significant impacts on municipalities across the province and will require municipalities to take certain actions in the coming months and years.
By December 31, 2023, municipalities across the province are required to register as producers within the EPR system through ARMA Connect. Municipalities are also able to register to start the conversation around passing off the physical and financial responsibility of collecting, processing, and recycling materials from the municipality to a Producer Responsibility Organization.
To better understand the next steps for the registration processes, the RMA is hosting an EPR Registration webinar for rural municipalities. All municipal administrative staff that will be part of the registration process are encouraged to save the date for this webinar on October 11, 2023, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. While the webinar will be most valuable for those leading their municipality’s waste management processes, all interested staff and elected officials are welcome to participate.
This webinar will include information from:
- Gabrielle Betts, Executive Director of EPR with the Alberta Recycling Management Authority
- Allan Langdon, Chief Executive Officer with Circular Materials
- Jaclyn Schmidt, Executive Director of Water and Waste Policy with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.
The RMA will provide further information about the effects of EPR on rural municipalities, the registration process, and a link for the webinar in the coming weeks.
Further information on EPR can be found through the EPR Regulatory Framework, the Government of Alberta website, and the ARMA website.
Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor
Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy