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RMA, ABMunis, and IAMA Receive Fourth Round of MAMP Asset Management Funding

The funding will allow the organizations to build on their recently completed asset management courses

The RMA, in collaboration with Alberta Municipalities (ABMunis) and Infrastructure Asset Management Alberta (IAMA), has received funding under the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) to develop and deliver a fourth round of asset management capacity-building activities to municipalities in Alberta.

RMA, ABMunis, and IAMA are planning to develop and deliver four activities:

  • Introductory Cohort: This workshop will provide participants with an overview of key asset management concepts and implementation strategies. Participants will also have the opportunity to develop a draft assessment management policy, strategy, and a team’s terms of reference to be used to support asset management implementation following the cohort.
  • Advanced Cohort: This workshop will focus on further supporting implementation by focusing on data, information, planning, and decision-making. The workshop will also touch on skills related to:
    • Data collection
    • Defining service levels
    • Communicating with residents and stakeholders on asset management
  • Elected Officials Course: This workshop will provide elected officials with basic knowledge on asset management, including its value and implementation strategies from a perspective that is relevant to their role.
  • Asset Management Small Group Learning Communities: The purpose of this activity is to create and support the long-term (post MAMP) sustainability of a series of small group learning communities. These communities will focus on using collaboration and mentorship among municipal staff to build asset management capacity among municipalities.

Activity and participation details will be available in the coming months and throughout 2022. Participating municipalities will make tangible progress on the MAMP Asset Management Readiness Scale.

The RMA looks forward to working with ABMunis, IAMA, and participating municipalities to further improve municipal asset management capacity in Alberta.

This initiative is delivered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada. 

Alex Mochid
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy