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RMA 2024 Board Elections Update – Candidates List for President

The RMA Board of Directors has staggered rotating board elections with four positions up for election one year and three positions the next.  Scheduled elections for the 2024 Fall Convention include the positions of President, District 1 Director and District 4 Director.  Nominations for all available positions opened in mid-August with staggered closing dates as per the RMA Board Elections Policy.

The nomination deadline for President closed at 4:30 pm on October 7, 2024.  The following candidates have submitted complete nomination packages for this role:

  • John Burrows, Woodlands County
  • Ben Fadeyiw, MD of Bonnyville
  • Gene Hrabec, Beaver County
  • Jason Schneider, Vulcan County
  • Kara Westerlund, Brazeau County

As per section 7 of the RMA Board Elections Policy, a current board member that is mid-term (i.e., one (1) year into a two (2) year term) can submit a nomination package for the position of President or Vice President without resigning from their board director position.  As a result of nominations received, a subsequent call for nominations for potential one-year terms for the positions of Vice President and District 3 Director was emailed directly to members on October 8. 

The election for RMA President will be held on Wednesday, November 6 at 1:00 pm, Hall D.  All elected officials from RMA full member municipalities are eligible to vote in this election.

The nomination deadline for the remaining available board positions is Monday, October 21, 2024, at 4:30 pm.  A bulletin will be issued once that deadline has passed advising of candidates and /or declared results in the event of acclamation for the remaining elections.  

Duane Gladden
CEO / Executive Director   

Tasha Blumenthal
Executive Officer of External Relations & Strategy