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RMA 2020 Fall Convention Going Virtual

The RMA Fall 2020 Convention will be a virtual event, details coming soon

Due to restrictions on gathering sizes as a result of COVID-19, the RMA Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to move the RMA 2020 Fall Convention to a completely virtual format. To accommodate this format, the Fall Convention is being condensed to two days: November 3 and 4, 2020. The RMA board and staff recognize that not being able to get together in person is disappointing, as one of the key benefits of the convention is the networking opportunities. We will be working hard to ensure that the event continues to be interactive and look forward to engaging with members through a virtual platform.

RMA will share additional details of the upcoming virtual convention in the weeks to come. Below is some initial information related to convention registration and programming.



Online registration for the fall convention will open in early October.


Convention Program

RMA is making every effort to include the elements that have made past conventions a success. The convention program is being developed with key program items, including RMA’s Annual General Meeting, resolutions session, and elections for board positions.  Ministers forum, government plenaries, and educational sessions will also be scheduled.


Convention Hotel Bookings

RMA has cancelled all convention hotel room blocks and there is no need for individuals to call hotels directly to cancel.

Please visit the RMA Convention Website and continue to watch for bulletins in the Contact newsletter for more information.

Cindy Carstairs
Administrative and Convention Coordinator

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations & Advocacy