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Register Today for EOEP’s Online Finance Course

Calling all elected officials – the Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) is offering an online finance course!

Budget season is gearing up! Now is the perfect time to brush up on your understanding of Municipal Corporate Planning and Finance. This course runs Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm starting October 9 and wrapping up on October 30. Participants must be able to attend all four sessions.

This online course is offered to elected officials and administrators via Zoom to accommodate your busy schedules. This is an excellent opportunity for you to build confidence around the roles of financial planning and monitoring. Experienced EOEP facilitator and former municipal Chief Financial Officer Rodney Boyko will facilitate the interactive and engaging sessions.

The course provides attendees with a strong understanding of their role in the municipal financial processes, including:

  • How strategic planning, citizen participation, risk management and service levels and performance measures fit in the budgeting process.
  • Council’s role in the budgeting process and how to ask good questions about the operating budget and capital plan.
  • Funding streams including tax, debt, reserves, grants, and transfers.
  • Councils’ role in monitoring and evaluation with a focus on providing greater comfort around reading financial statements.

Any questions about EOEP courses can be sent to

Kallie Wischoff
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
General Manager of Policy & Advocacy