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Regional Digital Forum Registration Open

Service Alberta is hosting their first Regional Digital Forum

Service Alberta is initiating a Regional Digital Forum after hearing interest for a platform that brings together all orders of government, with the aim of sharing knowledge and ideas related to information management and technology (IMT). If you are a non-elected senior official involved in making IMT decisions at your workplace and want to share your IMT wisdom while learning from others, this event is for you. Organized by the Alberta Public Service, this forum will be held virtually to allow wider participation from IMT leaders.

The Regional Digital Forum will provide a platform to share ideas related to emerging technologies and rising trends in IMT. Future topics will include robotic process automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud platforms, DevOps, and more.

As part of the first agenda, Service Alberta wants to collect and prioritize agenda topics for future meetings. As the process proceeds, Service Alberta will ask participants for feedback regarding how the forum is working. Involvement from a large, varied group from different jurisdictions will allow this to be a robust space for exchanging ideas.

The first event is scheduled for October 20, 2021 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. To participate or seek further information on this event, please email

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy