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Rail Safety Week

Canada’s 18th Rail Safety Week runs September 21 – 27, 2020

Canadian Pacific (CP) has created resources to promote rail safety in your community during Canada’s 18th Rail Safety Week, which runs September 21 – 27, 2020.

Your municipality can participate in the following ways:

  • Engage your community on social media and encourage families to play the CP RailSense video game aimed at teaching young children about rail safety.
  • Review and promote rail safety using this new toolkit developed specifically for municipalities. In the coming months, it will be updated with animated videos.
  • Ask your local police service to declare Rail Safety Week over social media and register for the virtual Operation Clear Track program, the single largest rail-safety law enforcement initiative in North America.
  • Engage with Operation Lifesaver’s #STOPTrackTragedies video campaign reminding Canadians “you can never go back” from taking risks around tracks and trains. The videos tell the personal stories of those affected by railway crossing and trespassing incidents and will feature the voices of friends and family members impacted by rail incidents. Their reflections are important messages of what they would do differently, if given the chance.
  • Like or retweet Operation Lifesaver’s Look.Listen.Live decal installations occurring in dozens of communities across Canada, which will be unveiled publicly on September 24.
  • Promote Operation Lifesaver’s “Get on Board with Rail Safety” animation contest on September 23, giving youth an opportunity to showcase their animation talents and learn about rail safety.

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Tasha Blumenthal
Director of External Relations and Advocacy