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Provincial Police Service Transition Study Engagement Sessions Announced

The Government of Alberta has announced their engagement sessions for municipalities related to the Alberta Provincial Police Service Transition Study

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) announced their plans to engage with municipalities regarding the potential transition to an Alberta Provincial Police Service (APPS). This engagement session will explore the issues laid out in the APPS Transition Study, APPS Future State Report, and the APPS Current State Report. The exact details of what will be covered in the engagement sessions are still unknown, however, RMA is working to develop resources for members to inform their participation. This includes a primer document, which will be followed up by an in-depth engagement guide and a virtual townhall with members.

Registration is now open for engagement sessions, which are scheduled to take place from January to April 2022, with a mix of in-person regional sessions and virtual sessions. Each session is expected to last 2.5 hours. A total of 38 in-person sessions will be held across Alberta, as well as five virtual sessions. Both elected officials and municipal staff are welcome to attend the sessions. Invitees may attend any session that they choose but are encouraged to attend nearby sessions when possible. RMA encourages members to register for sessions as soon as possible as capacity is limited.

Watch our Contact newsletter and direct emails for additional resources from RMA to inform your participation in these engagement sessions.

Warren Noga
Policy Advisor

Wyatt Skovron
Manager of Policy & Advocacy